Why Hardie Siding is the Best Solution to Woodpecker Siding Damage

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If you’re tired of dealing with woodpecker damage, you’re not alone. In areas like St. Louis, where woodpeckers are common, many homes suffer from their persistent pecking, especially those with Masonite or cedar siding. But there’s a solution that can stand up to these determined birds—James Hardie siding. Let’s explore why Hardie siding is the best solution to woodpecker siding damage and how it can protect your home.

Understanding Woodpecker Damage

Woodpeckers are drawn to certain types of siding because they can easily peck through the material. For instance, Masonite siding, which is essentially a pressed paper with a laminate cover, is a common target.

While many homeowners mistake it for wood siding, Masonite doesn’t have the durability to withstand woodpecker attacks. Similarly, cedar homes are particularly vulnerable, as the softwood is easy for woodpeckers to damage. Over time, this constant pecking can lead to unsightly holes and even structural damage, leaving homeowners frustrated and desperate for a solution.

Why Hardie Siding is the Best Solution

When it comes to protecting your home from woodpeckers, James Hardie fiber cement siding stands out as the best solution. Unlike wood or Masonite, Hardie siding is made from a blend of cement, sand, and cellulose fibers, creating a tough and durable product that woodpeckers simply can’t penetrate.

Here’s why Hardie siding is the best solution to woodpecker siding damage:

  1. Woodpecker Resistance: The composition of James Hardie siding makes it virtually woodpecker-proof. Woodpeckers might peck at it once, but they quickly realize it’s too hard to penetrate and move on to easier targets—like your neighbor’s cedar-sided house.
  2. Durability: Hardie siding is built to last. Its fiber cement composition means it can withstand not only woodpecker attacks but also the wear and tear from other nuisance critters like squirrels and mice, which can find their way behind other types of siding, such as vinyl.
  3. Tight Installation: Unlike vinyl siding, which is installed loosely and can allow critters to get behind it, Hardie siding is nailed tightly to the wall, leaving no gaps for pests to exploit. This secure installation further enhances its durability and resistance to damage.

Comparison with Other Siding Options

It’s important to understand how Hardie siding compares with other common siding materials in terms of resisting woodpecker damage:

  1. Masonite Siding: As mentioned earlier, Masonite is easily damaged by woodpeckers. Its pressed paper construction, while economical, lacks the strength needed to resist such persistent birds.
  2. Cedar Siding: Cedar is another favorite for woodpeckers due to its soft texture. While it may look beautiful, cedar siding can become a liability in areas with a high woodpecker population.
  3. Vinyl Siding: While vinyl is more resistant to woodpeckers than Masonite or cedar, it’s not without its flaws. The loose installation of vinyl siding allows critters to find their way behind it, leading to potential nesting and other issues. In contrast, Hardie siding’s tight installation eliminates these concerns.

The Long-Term Benefits of Hardie Siding

Beyond its ability to resist woodpecker damage, Hardie siding offers several long-term benefits that make it a worthwhile investment for any homeowner:

  1. Low Maintenance: James Hardie siding requires minimal upkeep. The baked-on finish ensures that the paint doesn’t peel, chip, or scratch off, reducing the need for frequent repainting. A simple wash with a garden hose and mild cleaning products once or twice a year is usually all that’s needed to keep it looking great.
  2. Termite and Pest Resistance: Because of its fiber cement composition, Hardie siding is also resistant to termites and other pests that can cause significant damage to wood-based siding materials.
  3. Weather Durability: Hardie siding is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, from heavy rain to harsh sunlight. This durability ensures that your siding will continue to protect your home for many years, making it a sound investment.

In Summary: Contact Us

If you’re tired of dealing with woodpecker damage to your home, it’s time to consider James Hardie siding. Not only is Hardie siding the best solution to woodpecker siding damage, but it also offers unparalleled durability, low maintenance, and resistance to a variety of pests. With Hardie siding, you can protect your home from further damage and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your investment will stand the test of time.

Contact us today to learn more about how James Hardie siding can benefit your home.

Mark Moore

Mark Moore

Founder & CEO